Sunday, January 31, 2010

Great is thy faithfulness

O LORD God Almighty, who is like you?
You are mighty, O LORD, and your
faithfulness surrounds you.
[Psalm 89:8]

It's been a difficult couple of weeks.

I think that everything that could have possibly gone wrong has done so. Even more than that, it's done so in style. I mean,'s almost comical.

But praise the LORD! He is SO much bigger than a "difficult couple of weeks." I've watched our mighty God answer prayers in some big, humbling ways. I've learned more about the my Jehovah Jireh in the last few weeks than I ever dreamed was possible. He has provided for my every need.

Really. Every single one.

God promises to NEVER give us more than we can handle in him and he is SO faithful to his promises! I'm writing this blog on my brand new laptop. My brand new, fully-loaded-with-everything-I-need, came-all-the-way-from-America laptop. I could really write an entire blog entry about how this laptop made its way to Kenya from my parent's house in Houston, but really, all that matters is that the Lord made it possible. And then He did it.

Want to know how intimately our Savior knows us? He knows every single hair on our heads...and He knows how to provide for even the most minute or silliest of our needs. Check out what I'm having for dinner tonight:

That's right. GUACAMOLE. The ONE thing I knew I would miss the most when I left the States. We have it here. In Korr. We literally had a wheelbarrow full of fresh fruits and vegetables arrive at our house at 7:30 AM this morning. Included was about a dozen fresh avocados the size of my face...not even exaggerating. Along with enough carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, mangoes, pineapples, and bananas to last us a long, long time. Fresh stuff is HARD to come by up here - mainly because when you pack everything you'll need for 3 months, your fruits and veggies will only last so long before they rot. But we're a month in to those 3 months and we have a fresh supply of EVERYTHING!

He is faithful. He is FAITHFUL. And while I wouldn't wish upon anyone everything that's happened recently, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Because the lessons He has taught me about His love and faithfulness are completely, completely worth every bit of it.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is FAITHFUL.
[Hebrews 10:23]

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